Friday, October 19, 2012

My Dwelling Place

Today's my first free day in so long! Well, sorta. I still need to write lesson plans for school, go grocery shopping, clean my room and take Leela to the vet.

easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

It's basically a free day, and the weather is gorgeous, and I slept in. All great things.
"Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place..." -Psalm 91:9
I've read it a million times and even memorized the chapter in elementary school. Somewhere, without realizing it, I've internalized this verse, and in this morning's quiet time, it's alive to me. Lord, you are my dwelling place.

Today! Today in the midst of joy- a day to cook, clean, and get everything in ordered peace, I choose to dwell in Jesus. I place my thoughts on Him and I'll process all of my emotions through Him. Jesus is the lense with which I'll view my priorities, work through my discouragements, understand my relationships. As if I'm dwelling in a tangible location, I will not step out of His covering.

Yesterday! When seeing creepy neighbor gave me immediate anxiety, I chose to remember that all authority in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus. Will I report him to the apartment complex? Yes. Do I know that my jiu-jitsu boyfriend and doberman-rotweiler dog provide much security? Yes. But to infinity and beyond those things, I dwell in Jesus. I literally chose to not dwell in fear! I was shocked by my own response, because I usually entertain anxiety to a ridiculous degree (one scary feeling leads to thoughts of funerals and how my family would cope, etc. The silliest, I know). But I didn't do this! All authority is Jesus. Fear is not my dwelling place. I stopped the downward spiral of anxiety recognizing Jesus, the Hope that anchors my soul. See you later, fear.

Tomorrow! I don't know what will come, and sometimes it seems so unstable. Will I accomplish my dreams? Will my life be as I've expected? I don't know. But I won't dwell in the future- I'm not there yet! I dwell in Jesus, who works all things together for my good, beacause I love Him. And in the future, no matter what happens, I will be dwelling in Jesus, and each day will therefore be just fine. I have no need to worry.
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, 'My Refuge and my Fortress, my God, in whom I trust." -Psalm 91:1-2
When I choose to dwell in Jesus, I rest. It's a recognition that He is the Most High, the Almighty, the Refuge and Fortress, my God. If I could just barely touch the reality of those names! But I'll learn to understand them through dwelling in them.  

1 comment:

  1. i love this. i love the concept and your application - to see you overcoming fear with finality and to hear the direct working of the Lord in your life is like fresh air.

    you write with energy. life and hope. it's inspirational and motivating. write more often! do it!
